Support Services Featured Project
Project Name: West Baton Rouge Diversion Canal, Phase I, II, and III

Assistance in the preparation of an application to the Louisiana Office of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit (ODC-DRU) for funding under the Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Recovery Program. Project further entails engineering and design services for construction of a 3,700-foot diversion canal connecting to the Intracoastal Waterway to improve stormwater drainage from northern sections of the parish. Scope of work also includes: pre-construction conference assistance; bid package assistance; field staking; construction supervision; if acquisition of property/servitude/rights-of-way is needed by the parish, preparation of property boundary maps and legal descriptions of each parcel to be acquired; review, and submission of contractor payment requests to Parish for approval; submission of reproducible plan drawings and certified as-built drawings upon project completion; local, state and federal permitting, as needed; inspection reports, final inspection and testing; and project reporting.