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News Results: 10
Brad Lambert Joins Providence as Manager of Strategic Initiatives - Providence is pleased to announce the hiring of Brad Lambert as Manager of Strategic Initiatives. With more than 32 years of experience in energy, communications, and economic development, Lambert brings an unparalleled track record of success in managing complex issues and...
Providence Named One of the 2024 Best Places to Work in Baton Rouge; October 1st Celebration Held - Providence Engineering and Environmental Group LLC was recently named as one of the 2024 Best Places to Work in Baton Rouge. The awards program is a project of the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report and the Greater Baton Rouge SHRM, an...
Providence Issues White Paper on New CWA Hazardous Substance Facility Response Plans - Providence’s Senior Environmental Scientist, Molly McKean, has issued a white paper on the new CWA Hazardous Substance Facility Response Plans rule. The new ruling will affect numerous facilities and require quick action for compliance. ...
Providence Expands Service Offerings to Include Cultural Resource Management; Enhances Expertise - Providence recently added CRM services to its Impact Assessment service line to provide a more robust regulatory compliance experience for our clients and stakeholders. The CRM team includes knowledgeable archaeologists with expertise in navigating the management of heritage assets and...
Aimee’ Killeen, Providence Chief Operating Officer (COO), Appointed President-Elect of WEF - Aimee’ Killeen, Providence Chief Operations Officer (COO), has been appointed President-Elect of the Water Environment Federation (WEF). She assumed her leadership role at the 2023 Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) in Chicago, IL, on Tuesday, October 3rd...
Providence Named One of the 2023 Best Places to Work in Baton Rouge; October 3rd Celebration Held - Providence was recently named as one of the 2023 Best Places to Work in Baton Rouge. The awards program is a project of the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report and the Greater Baton Rouge SHRM, an affiliate of the Society...
Providence Hosts Webinar on Proposed Revisions to the HON Rule, Recording Available - Providence’s Air Quality Engineer Robynn Andracsek, PE, and Air Quality Monitoring Manager, Brandon Kilpatrick, hosted an informative webinar on the current proposed revisions to the HON rule for SOCMI facilities. The current proposed revisions to the HON...
Providence Issues White Paper on New Fenceline Monitoring Requirements for HON Rule Revision - Providence’s Air Quality Engineer Robynn Andracsek, PE, and Air Quality Monitoring Manager, Brandon Kilpatrick, have issued a white paper on the new fenceline monitoring requirements for SOCMI facilities. The current proposed revisions to the HON rule will...
Providence Congratulates John “Bert” Wintz, P.E., on LES BR Chapter President’s Award - Please join Providence in congratulating John “Bert” Wintz, P.E., on receiving the Vincent A. Forte, P.E. President’s Award through the Louisiana Engineering Society Baton Rouge Chapter. This award is given by the Chapter...
Clinton Wallace Successfully Completes Requirements for Professional Geologist (PG) License - One of Providence’s founding principles is that if you are not growing, you are dying, and our entire team lives by this motto. We continuously seek professional development opportunities, trainings, and certifications to provide our clients with the...